The Journal

Galih Richardson: Photographer, Musician, Model and more...

An all round creative, skilled in a range of talents from music to modelling, from fashion photography to content creation, Galih Richardson wears many hats. Indeed, when he’s not busy with those c...

By Liv Bonsall

Posted on 01 Apr 2022 16:11

Galih Richardson: Photographer, Musician, Model and more... - The Cambridge Satchel Company EU Store

An all round creative, skilled in a range of talents from music to modelling, from fashion photography to content creation, Galih Richardson wears many hats. Indeed, when he’s not busy with those creative exploits, he spends his time as a Brand Development Manager at Tom Smarte, a designer hat company.

We’re so pleased that Galih has been part of The Cambridge Satchel Co. family for so long, finding time to act as both photographer and model in many of our campaign shoots. So, without further ado, meet Galih…

Can you sum up what you do in a couple of sentences?

I solve creative problems that brands, companies, and individuals have. Whether that be through photography, film, or hat making.

How did you first come across The Cambridge Satchel Co.?

I would always eye up the beautiful satchels in the old Covent Garden shop every morning on my way to work at the hat shop. Never thought I would end up shooting for them!

Favourite Cambridge Satchel Co. shoot that you’ve been a part of?

I loved Heading North. The rolling hills and the strong winds on shoot day were pretty moving. You could feel the desire of needing to capture that environment in writing, or some art form.

Galih modelling for our Heading North shoot.

What does a typical week look like for you?

Work is mostly about developing relationships at this point. We work with all sizes of brands and help them develop a cohesive image through collaboration. So, a typical week is managing these relationships with the aim of getting down to the real work on shoot days.

How would you describe your style and who/what are your influences?

It really changes all the time. I look for companies that do one thing excessively well, like snowpeak, studio nicholson, or jackman. Heritage and wearable but unique silhouettes play an important role, and knowing that you only ever need to buy any item once for it to last forever is the most important thing.

What excites you about fashion, especially looking ahead to the future of fashion?

Seeing old processes and heritage companies reborn and given new life excites me. We have progressively gotten more careless with how we make things, and learning from the past could bring us back to a time before high street quality. Buy once, buy forever.

Favourite article of clothing?

This ripped sea blue biker jacket that I wore when I used to be in a band. Can’t seem to get rid of it.

Do you collect anything?

Shoes… too many of them.

How and when did you realise you were destined for a creative career?

I always knew, I think. I’ve always created as a kid, and all through adulthood. I moved to the UK at 17, and went from one creative thing to another until I managed to fluke making it a career!

Heading North.

What are you most proud of?

Working for myself. Finally having a life that isn’t lived for somebody else.

What’s your greatest ambition?

To have a clothing label connecting traditional Indonesian textiles with London fashion.

And finally… Cambridge Satchel bag of choice?

I love The Traveller, perfect for any photographer.

And so there ends our chat with Galih. We hope you found his outlook on creativity, fashion and life as inspiring as we do!

You can find more of Galih's work here.

By Liv Bonsall

Posted on 01 Apr 2022 16:11

Made in England

Sustainably Sourced. Exquisitely Crafted. Redefine Your Style Responsibly with Premium Leather Satchels.

Repairs Service

Sustainably Sourced. Exquisitely Crafted. Redefine Your Style Responsibly with Premium Leather Satchels.

Sustainably sourced leather

Sustainably Sourced. Exquisitely Crafted. Redefine Your Style Responsibly with Premium Leather Satchels.